Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ever Wanted to Complain about Anything Golf Related You Have Dealt With - Join Us!!!

In a discussion earlier that +Tony Korologos started on Google+ I threw out the idea that I may start an award each week for golf instruction that was so bad it needed some type of BS award.
So many people thought it was a good idea so I decided to do it.  Attached is a picture of the award.  Depending on how bad the info is or how much of a rip-off it is it can be from 1 award to 5 awards with 5 meaning beware, dangerously bad.
BSOW means Bull S**t of the Week. 
Please contact me on Facebook or Google+ or email me directly at my website using the Contact Me form with suggestions and nominees.  This should be fun.  We can now do more than just think it ourselves.  Help me to be your voice about tips, blogs, YouTube Videos, email, learning aids, DVDs etc. that you think are bad, confusing, generally not worth the money, or rip-offs.
This especially includes lessons and golf schools. 

Together we can have an impact!!!!!!!!!!

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