Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Great Video On Address Position and How ToTurn.

I am constantly checking out instruction videos on the web for really good content that I feel will help people.  About 95+ percent of them are not worth watching.  They are just somebody else claiming that they have the "secret" or some other BS or just somebody else doing a new video about an old topic that's been done 100 times before.

One very rare occasions I run across something that is so good I can get excited about it.  The video I have attached is one of those.

This is a perfect example of "Old School Golf".  A simple, elegant, explanation of a common problem that will help almost everyone.  This is one of those.

The thing that stunned me was that it came off the Golf Channel which I am not a particularly big fan of, but they got it right this time.

Enjoy the video and I hope it helps.


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