Monday, August 24, 2015

Indecision Cause Poor Shots.

There comes a time when a golf professional needs to take ownership of advice received from their caddie. And, there comes a time when a golfer needs to make their own decision.  If the golfer is ever in doubt~~ it usually ends up with a crappy shot as you will see here. 

Candie Kung, USC graduate and American touring pro from Taiwanese descent, was extremely close to winning the Canadian Pacific Women's Open this past Sunday.  She was tied with Lydia Ko going into the final round.

Inappropriate decisions between her caddie and herself at the worst possible time probably cost her the championship.

 Jeff King is her caddie and told Candie to hit a full wedge shot. Candie was worried about going over the green, which can be serious trouble. As you can see from the video, she was never comfortable with the club selection she did not come close to committing to the 110 yard shot.  We will never know if it was the right club as Jeff said.  Her indecision caused her to miss hit it the shot.

Jeff is allowed to read all of the greens for her and she follows her caddy's advice. Candie says that she is not a good green reader and trust Jeff's advice. 

Jeff has become a famous caddie on tour and is highly sought after, but not for his caddie abilities, it’s for his beef jerky product.  He is the founder of KingsMade beef jerky, and his product is catching on amongst tour players. Tiger Woods buys it by the pound.

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